Ondřej Boháč

Director of the Prague Institute of Planning and Development

Ondřej Boháč

Director of the Prague Institute of Planning and Development


Ondřej Boháč has been the director of the Prague Institute of Planning and Development (IPR Prague) since December 2016. Prior to his appointment, he worked at the institute as a deputy director for two years. In previous years, he was an advisor to the first deputy mayor of Prague municipality and later became the director of the Prague mayor’s office.

From 2006 to 2010 he worked in the City Development Department in the position of GIS data coordinator. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Science of Charles University, where he studied social geography and regional development.

What is IPR? What is CAMP? in a two-minute read

Interview with Ondřej Boháč:

5 let IPRU, Hlava III. (architect-plus.cz)

IPR Prague – Documents to download:

Do You Know Prague? – The City in Maps, Graphs and Figures – exhibition brochure (e-book)

Comparing Prague with Selected EU cities (study – Strategy and Policy Section)

Metropolitan plan – Guide to the Metropolitan Plan of Prague (brochure)

The Sustainable Mobility Plan For Prague And Its Suburbs

Public Space Design Manual

In the spirit of transparency and discussion, we share several polemical texts and podcasts (in Czech):

Prague Residential Crisis: What now? (AmCham)

(Ne)fungování Institutu plánování a rozvoje v postsocialistickém městě (Orcígr, Zein – alarm.cz)

Klimatický urbanismus může sloužit developerským zájmům (Pixová – podcast – alarm.cz)

“Donedávna v Praze bytová politika neexistovala, urazili jsme kus cesty” (Kolínská – podcast – alarm.cz)

Bojím se, že část lidí, kteří v Praze vyrůstali a utvářeli život města, se bude muset odstěhovat” (Lehečka – podcast – alarm.cz)

All sessions by Ondřej Boháč

Welcome & Mobilizing the Planet Talk I

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